Dead By Dawn Rules
Saturday, October 19, 2024 5 PM
The Chornobyl Exclusion Zone (or simply “the Zone”) is before us. It has been almost four decades since the nuclear disaster of 1986 and nearly two decades since the horrifying experiments caused the second catastrophe in 2006, which has resulted in the physical and meteorological phenomena that permeate the Zone as we know it today. But from this catastrophe came treasures beyond our wildest dreams—anomalies, inexplicable wonders that defy the laws of physics or common sense. These anomalies have spawned countless artifacts with unique and extraordinary properties which, to the right buyer, will make you wealthy beyond imagination.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces have set up a cordon around the Zone, liberally terminating any who approach. You STALKERS are the brave—or lucky—few who have succeeded in evading their sight, in search of jewels or answers. As the sun sinks towards the horizon, two factions are before us. RENEGADES, a loosely held group of STALKERS with no overt political or religious aims within the Zone, choosing to live their best lives and accepting what comes their way. Living by the “finders, keepers” code, sometimes the “finders” are just those who are lucky enough to still be breathing. Opposing them is the DUTY faction, a paramilitary group of STALKERS operating under a strict code. DUTY are the protectors of the outside world, guardians to all that we know and love. The Zone is dangerous and its so-called “artefacts” are a travesty, waiting to defile the outside world. DUTY believes that artifacts and anomalies must be studied by scientists instead of being pawned off like cheap trinkets.
Go forth into the Zone and claim its unknowns for your faction, but be wary for there is a heaviness in the dark. Whispers of lost STALKERS that now worship a false god. No longer human, these so-called soldiers of the MONOLITH stalk the depths of the Zone, always watching. However, with your weapons and strength, there is nothing to fear, right?…
Come explore the Zone STALKERS and explore the mysteries outside the fences.
Basic Field Rules
- The minimum age is 14, or as young as 12 with the proper supervision (a mature/sponsor player).
- FPS limit = 1.5 joules, Snipers @ 2.9 joules Max
- Barrel socks are required.
- Semi-auto Only for regular play 3 shot bursts may be allowed as per Official and game modes
- Ammo = Adrenaline field bbs only (reasonably priced, good quality).
- Swords/Melees must be approved by the head ref or game boss.
- Red Base – TBA
- Blue base – TBA
- 10-foot Mercey rule. This is an ASTM international safety standard negotiable… Adrenaline does not set safety rules. We do follow them
- Full-seal goggles are required. No glasses style goggles >> If they have arms on the side, we do not allow them.
- No body contact, no abusive or vulgar language.
- Call your hits, or just Do Not Play this game.
- Two shields per team to be used on Your half of the field. (for defense) shield players must use pistols
- Don’t shoot players in their base. Players that are inside their base can not be eliminated.
- Players can shoot out of their base
Game Play
- Most of the game will be trying to Complete missions and collect resources needed to complete missions.
- Games will be played in long rounds
- Medic rules: Payers may always reinsert from their base. Players will have to present a kill card and have it punched by a medic.
- Players will wear a 10″ribbon, and players can not misrepresent their team colour.
Medic Rules
- Players can be healed by a medic if shot. Players stay still for a count of 50 Mississippi, then bleed out if not treated by a Medic or assisted by a live player. Dead players can be moved by a live player. The count stops when being treated/assisted but must resume if abandoned or the player/Medic is killed while assisting. Dead players may move out of a fire fight lane. Players can reinsert from any flag that is their colour. Players can not reinsert from the same flag they were shot out of. Once your card is punched, you are live, and you cannot begin to play until you touch a flag that is your colour.
- Each team will be allowed a set number of Machine guns for base defence. 2 for now. Full auto guns are allowed to use a 3-shot burst. If the mag does not come off, the gun must stay on the field barrel socked when not in use.
Game Scores
- Pull a flag +10 points.
- Complete an objective of +50 – 100 points.
- Gold bars +10 points.
- Gas can +20 points.
- Briefcase +10 points.