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Adrenaline Adventure Park Airsoft Rules

Field BBS Required. Why? Wtf?
> Check out the BYO BB Page<

Airsoft Eye and Face Protection

We recommend lower face and ear protection for everyone.

  • Under 18 we require eye protection goggles.
  • All googles must meet ASTM F2879.  Goggles must be full seal and have the appropriate head band.
  • This is basically a Z87.1+ lens and an Airsoft  gaming  frame fit and durability
  • Shooting glasses are NOT suitable for Games.   Even if they are rated to be used to shoot targets at Z87.1 and have a Mil Spec.  We require full seal and a strap.
  • Adults Face protection should follow ASTM F3389-21 players under 18 should follow the Integrated Moderate protection level, and players under 16 should follow the Integrated full protection level ( paintball type goggles)

About Eye protection.
We are all responsible to put forward good information to newer and in experienced players. ANSI Z87.1 rated Glasses and Goggles are meant for Shooting. They are not meant for or suitable for Game play. Goggles labelled Airsoft or paintball on wish or amazon type retailers are, Not likely to meet the ASTM and or ANSI standard.

There are many, many, bad examples of Bad eye protection in Airsoft media don’t believe everything you see. Adrenaline has representation on the ASTM and stays up todate with the most curent Safety standards.

The velocity allowed is determined by the speed of the bb and the weight. We use Joules of force as a measurement.  We allow no speeds Higher then 500 FPS


The velocity allowed is determined by the speed of the bb and the weight. We use Joules of force as a measurement. We allow no speeds Higher then 500 FPS

  • Regular Play -1.5 joules  or 400 fps with a .2 or 366 with .25  (10 Foot Surrender Rule)
  • Burst fire  .84 joules,  Full auto is not allowed for regular play
  • Semi and Bolt action – 2.1 Joules (100 foot engagement distance)
  • Bolt action Only 2.9 joules ( 100 foot engagement )
  • Anyone caught adjusting on field will be asked to leave
  • Handy Joules calculator> Click here
  • The Game Operator may make adjustments as he sees fit within ASTM Standards.
  • Max Rate of fire Is 10.5 BBPS    BB’s Per second.
  • Semi Auto Only Special exceptions maybe  made for equipment without a Semi function or for special events or game types.

Game Day Rules

  • No Body contact
  • Barrel bags must be on and mags out in safe areas.
  • No Flash bangs or pyro grenades
  • Full seal ASTM Airsoft rated eye wear  Note; 87.1  is for the lens, Note the goggle.
  • No Intimidating tone or language
  • Only compostable BB’s / Field Bb’s only
  • conflicts must to brought to field staff
  • No stabbing motions with training knives
  • Referees word is final right or wrong
  • Buy entering the park you give consent to have your gear bag inspected
  • Wear your mask at all time on the Battlefield.
  • Use the Honor System; Call your hits. Cheating will not be tolerated.
  • Do not blind fire. You must be able to see  10 feet in front of your barrel tip
  • If you see someone cheating, do not argue in-game. Call them out to a referee.
  • Do not move, jump over, or alter any obstacles.
  • When you are hit, call it out loud  with your arms up high.
  • Make sure you’ve remove your magazine and then cleared your equipment of ammo with a dry fire then, put on your barrel sock and switch your equipment to safety when entering the safe area
  • Do not argue with other players. See a referee if you have a concern.
  • No foul language.
  • Semi-automatic only when inside buildings.
  • No lasers
  • Close-toed shoes only..

About your Equipment

  • Regulators may not be altered after checking in.
  • Regulators must be lockable and will be zip tied at chronograph
  • MUST have working safety.
  • MUST have 1/8 inch trigger pull
  •  MUST have trigger spring installed.
  • MUST have a secured trigger guard.
  • Burst-mode is only acceptable during speacil games and on speacail equipment.
  • No dry firing allowed. Treat weapon as if it is always loaded.
  • No pre-firing corners allowed this is a type of blind fire
  • Airsoft approved Barrel sock must cover barrel while in Dead zone areas.
  • Magazines must be out of weapon  before entering in Safe zone areas.

If you have any concerns, please bring them to our attention right away. Anything that is a concern for, safety or game play, we want to know about before it becomes a bigger problem. . We We can be discrete if it’s best for you.